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Brussels Sprouts & Macadamia spaghetti

When at the Cheyenne Botanic Garden in Cheyenne in November, we organized a cooking show to teach how simple is to cook a real Italian pasta with seasonal ingredients. Basil will not probably be local, but Brussel sprouts simply are the little pleasurable diamond cabbages.

-serve 4-

500 gr spaghetti

500 gr brussels sprouts

300 gr macadamia nuts

5 tbsp olive oil

salt for boiling pasta

basil to garnish

clean and cut in 4 quarts the sprouts. when the water is boiling, add them. 10 minutes after the water start to boil again, add salt and pasta.

ground the macadamia nuts and roast them in a non-stick pan.

drain pasta and sprouts and wisk together with olive oil.

serve with rostaded macadamia nuts on top and a basil spring.

SUGGESTION: to have a good "al dente" pasta, consider to drain your pasta 30% less of the time suggested on the box.

NOTE: this recipe show the heltiest way to cook pasta in Italy. Choose any kind of veggies, boil it for no more then 10 minutes and then add pasta. Use good olive oil as condiment. No fried or sauteed and quick cook. Easy!!!

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